Organs & Tissues Transplant

What are the end stage diseases that can be cured by transplantation?


Here are some end stage diseases which can be cured by the transplantation: Diseases:- Organs heart failure:- Heart terminal lung illnesses:- Lungs kidney failure:- Kidneys liver failure:- Liver Diabetes:- Pancreas Corneal Blindness:- Eyes Heart Valvular disease:- Heart valve severe burns:- Skin

What are the end stage diseases that can be cured by transplantation?2019-03-01T07:41:19+00:00

What is Transplantation?


Transplantation is the act of surgical removal of an organ from one person and placing it into another person. Transplantation is needed when the recipient's organ has failed or has been damaged due to illness or injury.

What is Transplantation?2019-03-01T07:37:59+00:00