What an experience it was to deliver sessions across all their offices. The curiosity and involvement of the employees was refreshing.

What an experience it was to deliver sessions across all their offices. The curiosity and involvement of the employees was refreshing.
| | PeopleStrong, Pune |

Event Overview

3 cities, 1 company- peoplestrong.

What an experience it was to deliver sessions across all their offices. The curiosity and involvement of the employees was refreshing.

We feel humbled by the support extended especially by Amit Jain, Neha Mittal and Subhagi Arora.



When & Where

  • From:2018-10-13   12:00 AM
  • To:2018-10-13 12:00 AM
  • Location: PeopleStrong, Pune

    PeopleStrong, Pune, , PeopleStrong, Pune.

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