We had the pleasure of engaging with C3IT Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and how amazing that was!

We had the pleasure of engaging with C3IT Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and how amazing that was!
| | C3IT Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd,Pune |

Event Overview

We had the pleasure of engaging with C3IT Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and how amazing that was!
A big thank you to Col. Anil, Ms. Heena and Riya Arora.
It was a pleasure to be there and we hope to have many more interactive sessions in the future.



When & Where

  • From:2017-04-10   12:00 AM
  • To:2017-04-10 12:00 AM
  • Location: C3IT Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd,Pune

    Marisoft lll, West Wing, 5th Floor, 411014, Marigold complex, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411006, , C3IT Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd,Pune.

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